I always wondered why am I struggling so much when the vision is clear. There was a time when being a tea vendor in railway stations helped me to dream of earning a lot but never thought I would start dreaming of much more than that. When you start your journey, the universe opens a lot of doors. All you need to do is chase them for good. My motto was not just to chase them but also to have access to the key of the door.
I never felt disheartened because all my strategies were going well. When I introduced my brands to satisfy the taste of my customers, I thought this is it. There is this simple fragment trending around me i.e young entrepreneurs of India are shaping the marketplace, this bothered me a lot.
When you are made of magical things, magic will definitely chase you. A tea boutique brand to deal with my presence in the marketplace came into play. The desire of building a brand like Chai Chun with several aromas and flavors of teas was super fun. When I say it's fun, I mean building a team, making a factory to process, and giving names to the tea packages.
I never wanted to be a part of that race where every entrepreneur is fighting for their appearance on the media and internet. My goals were different because for me the word ''famous'' should come after a customer enjoys the product I am creating. If this is the kind of track I have to follow to be one of the young entrepreneurs of India, I am exceptionally happy to do that.
People entering my stores are undoubtedly great. But, when I get a few orders from my close ones who respect me and my brand because they have known the real essence and struggle behind that product, it makes me feel proud. My tea-dom in the city gives me an unrealistic vibe where I lead all my employees to work hard to make the people learn about tea. Conversion is obvious when it comes to the right manufacturing. The traditional marketing criteria will definitely stay right here in the marketplace. Every retail chain will stay dependent on these strategies but for me, real entrepreneurship is something where people follow your created strategies.
Being an entrepreneur, it still feels great to have that name and fame. The main motive still lies somewhere on the table of educating people about the real growth of the tea industry. Tea is such a vast subject and tea-tasting is a subject of aromatic experiences.
Now my joy lies in a cup of tea:)
Chai Veda: Tea experience Center
Jun 24 ,2022
Tea to the English is like a vacation
Jun 16 ,2022
A gentle slope of tea plantations
Apr 28 ,2022
The tea obsession is authentic
Apr 21 ,2022